Events Information
During the Bowls season from around end April through to around end September we mainly structure our social events around playing bowls. We have a Men versus Ladies game and a special Presidents Day during which we might dress up or play bowls a bit differently, perhaps even creating fancy dress! We hold the occasional social event where we raise money for Charities. Sometimes we hold a plant sale or a cake and coffee morning to raise money – in recent times for the Macmillan Cancer Charity. We frequently have a club bowls tour; for example, in June 2023 for four or five nights to the Isle of Wight.
From late September through till early April we use the main part of our Club House to play Cribbage; normally every Thursday evening, and it is very well attended. The bar is always open for the cribbage sessions. We play Bridge on Tuesday afternoons. This is also well organised and well supported. There is often a club bowls tour abroad, for example to Spain or Portugal in October or November.
Usually on New Year’s Eve we have a party with games, special acts, music and dancing. Occasionally social evenings are organised in the club house with food and board games and card games. During the winter we sometimes hold a quiz night with a fish and chip supper as part of the evening. Traditionally every November we have a special Dinner Dance Event at which we present the trophies for the winners and runners up in the club competitions.
Naturally, Bowls still features during the Winter season as we play around 10 indoor bowls games each Winter and Spring.
It is fair to say that we remain active as a club all through the year and as a member you will greatly benefit from a wide variety of social activities.